Saturday, June 09, 2007

Metal Gear Solid 2 (Piano)

This is from the sheet music made by Nightshade1. I'm not nearly as good as he is. I make a few mistakes, and I'm a bit slower too. Played on a slightly out of tune Kawai GM-2 Baby Grand. I hope you enjoy it.


Unknown said...

Man, I would reall appreciate it if you sent me the sheet music for that. I don't have the resources to buy it, and I would love to learn to play that song. If you decide to send me it, I would greatly appreciate it.
You can send it to Thanks much, in advance.


Anonymous said...

hi um i was asking ifyou could send me a copy of the sheet music because i want to play the same music.u played it nicely also.i cant get buy one cause im only thirteen so i have no credit card and money sad if u could send me a copy that would be a thing ull do and if not well thats cool also but ill be real greatful if u did. thanks man laters

Anonymous said...

oh and srry if u do ill be happy if u sent me the copy online so my email is or if u want gmail its you again man and see u online

Anonymous said...

That's some really beautiful playing there. I loved it. I have been searching for the sheet music for that song for the better part of 2 years and never once found it. I can't buy nightshades copy cause I'm only 14 and I have no credit card and my folks won't let me. I am a grade 6 in piano though and really want to give it a shot cause I think I could play it quite well. Please send me a scan of your sheets to I would be more grateful than you could imagine. I could even upload a video of me playing it for you if you wanted. Anyway whether you choose to send me a copy or not that was some fabulous playing. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be a pain but can you send me one to:

Anonymous said...

Hi, you play great the piano, i was wondering, if you could send me a copy of the same sheetmusic you're playing in that video, please, i liked it, and, i like the games too, thank you.

Anonymous said...

hey man. awsome playing. would it be too much to ask to get a copy of the sheet music. email:

been looking high and low for this song. its super sad.

thanks man.

Anonymous said...

hey, just like everyone else im after a copy of that music sheet :P

- weezo19@msn

Very nicely played, i have heard nightshades version and yours is almost identicall, well done :P

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Love the game and love the music!!
I've been looking for good MGS2 piano arrangements and I think yours and nightshades are the best. Since I can't buy nightsahde's,
can you send me the copy of your sheet music to:


Anonymous said...

Really Great! :-)
Can you send me the Sheet?

I want to learn this song so great how you!


Anonymous said...

I would greatly appreciate it as well if you can email me this music sheet at

Anonymous said...

Please me too I would love the sheet music :) Please!

Anonymous said...

I know you must be annoyed of all the requests but please send m the sheet.

Thanks and btw you play really well.

Anonymous said...

sorry 4got to say th mail.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish i could play like that.

Could you send me the sheet music too?

Carlcarlcral said...

wow. That's really good piano playing. I play a little piano at times, but nowhere as good as that. I'd really appreciate if you sent me the sheet music.

Thanks a lot!

Unknown said...

*sigh* I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask the same thing everyone else has asked. Also not having the resources to actually buy this online, I humbly request you send a copy of the sheet music to

It's a great arrangement and you play it rather well. Thanks either way.

Anonymous said...

Could you send me the sheet music by any chance? That'd be so awesome if you could. I really like this arrangement.

Anonymous said...

lol all asking for the sheet music, i don't think he got the right to give it, because the ppl who sold it dont let

Anonymous said...

OH!! you are very good playing the piano, I really love this song... I'm saving some money to buy the sheet :P
It's just that I can't find the sheet anywhere else x)
So thanks for the web :P

Anonymous said...

Can i have a copy of the sheet music plz. My email is

Gawo He said...

Oh man this is just too much.....
Sorry for bothering things but could i get the music aswell?

My email is

Anonymous said...

wow, really great... man that song rules. I know that it must be a pain to send it to all these people, but i would also really appreciate it if you would send me a copy at

thanks much

Anonymous said...

Great playing man. I went on to the site but i don't have a credit card so i can't buy it. Please Please can you send me the sheetmusic pls. I desperatley want to play it.



Anonymous said...

well that's not bad at all! please could you spare me the sheet music as well :)

much appreciated

Anonymous said...

may you please send the music to me...
i think this is quite a nice music to present in some concert...
thanks xxx

Anonymous said...

may you please send the music to me...
i think this is quite a nice music to present in some concert...
thanks xxx

Anonymous said...

That. Song. Rocks.

Ehm, i know you get this a lot and all, but could you please send me the sheet music for it.

Unfortunately i'm 15 and have no credit cards or shizz likez that, i would be willing to trade sheet music also. Final Fantasy music is my forte.

My email:

Either way, thank-you

Anonymous said...

Like the others, can you send me the sheet to =]

Edward Feng said...

that's some really awesome playing, if it's not too much trouble I would also like to play like you and if you could be so kind to send the sheet music thx!~

Anonymous said...

That was really good. Is there anychance you could forward me a copy please.

Anonymous said...

That is such a beautiful song. You play it well, and I'm sure you can make improvements if you work on it! (If you haven't already!) Try your best!
Also, I know you've been getting this for almost a year, but if you're willing to, could you send me the sheet music? I have no way of obtaining it online. My email is I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps I have sheet music I could send in return. Thanks for your time.

Anonymous said...

hay! beautifully played! I know a lot of people have asked this, but is it possible you could maybe send this sheet music to this e-mail?
Thank you very much and keep on playing!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, you had great sensitivity and it was played very well. Sorry to bother you, but do u mind also sending me the sheet music. I would greatly appreciate it. It is THANKS VERY VERY MUCH. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, you're a genious at this
can you please send the for me, it would be most appreciated?

Anonymous said...

Woooooooooooooow you are fantastic!!I love this music.
Can you send me to : thanks much

Anonymous said...

OMG, you play it so well... I want to play like that one day ^-^'.
Can you send this fantastic sheet music at please ?
i would greatly appreciate if you send it =)

(Sorry for my bad english, i'm french ^^)

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! im a piano player too (Im going to be a teacher in a couple years) could you pleasse email that to me at

by the way, are you part of conservatory canada? if so, what grade level are you?
thank you, in advance.

Anonymous said...

dude you rock hey dont know if you would but if you don't mind I would love the sheet music for that you don't have 2 but if you decide to then I thank you, you can send it to me at

Unknown said...

Hey dude, that was awesome.
Could you please send the sheet music at please?

Also the shademusicstore is down...for a long time i am under age so i cant buy it.

Thanks again. And awesome playing.

Anonymous said...

Hey nice playing man! Sorry, but I was looking for the sheet music for this everywhere the only place to find it was from nightshader, but the site is down. Could you please send me the sheets at Thanks!

Anonymous said...

thats was some pretty slick playing! unfortunately nightshader's site is down and ive been looking for this awesome tune everywhere, could u plz email sheet music to me at

thanking you in advance

Mjtballs said...

Man that was great playing, i have been looking high and low for the piano sheets for this tune, i have been a dye hard fan of the mgs series for ages now and since then i have wanted to learn the music.
IT would be greatly appreciated if u could pls email the sheet music to me.

Anonymous said...

I am in desperate need of this sheet music. I spent 3 days trying to find it, but can never find one except Nightshader's version. I can't buy it because I'm 13 and my parents are kinda cheap. I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me a copy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome playing man!!
Kudos to you! I've been searching for sheet music for this for a while now...
Could you please send me a copy of the sheets at:
Thanks in advance!!!

Anonymous said...

That was great! I hope it won't be too much to ask if you could send me the sheet music, I'm sure you've heard enough sucking up so all I have to say is that I would greatly appreciate it and thankyou very much :)

Anonymous said...

Lol, its just 1.50€ for the sheet, just pay it like this guy did instead of begging, wont get you anywhere, nice playing anyhow.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one not begging for it? seems so lol. how long did it take for you to get it after you bought it? im thinking of buying it too

ARogan said...

It took less than 24hrs to get the sheet music via email after purchasing.

Anonymous said...

Hey man i really love this song.. Im a MGS fan too.. can you please e-mail the music sheets to me? i would really want to learn this song

and maybe play it for my love....

Anonymous said...

Ohm an u rock like hell :) You are the best, i think...
I'm a MGS fan, but im a hungarian poor kid and i cant purchase the original sheet from the site. Can you send me to an e-mail with this sheet? I really want to learn this one cuz i love it

of course i won't be as good as you

my e-mail:


Anonymous said...

hey loved it. im makin a mg movie with some guys from work and we could really use this sheet music for a scene.

my email -

thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

i'm after what everyone else is. I would greatly appreciate if you could send me the sheet music.

thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hey , thisis probably annoying the crap out of you ppl asking for the sheet music , but i recently got my Girlfriend into the MEtal gear solid series haha , and she plays piano , and shes been looking for the tabs for this evrywhere , so i would really appreciate it if you could send them to me plz

Anonymous said...

Hey dude ur pro at piano can you send me the sheet music at...

thanks man

Anonymous said...


I've been looking for this sheet for a while, I was wondering if anyone could send me it at !


Anonymous said...

That was brilliant!
Can you send me the sheet music?

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must be annoyed with everyone asking, but could you send it to:

Anonymous said...

hi that was so good =D I'll annoy you again >.< could you send a copy to me too? Thank you soooo much!

Anonymous said...

could someone please send me sheets for this song?

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate if you sent me the sheet music for that song. You can send it to

Anonymous said...

Hi there, could you please send me a copy of the lyrics please it would be much appreciated.
my email is

Anonymous said...

OMG i'm totally obsessed with MGS and i would LOVE to have the sheet music. If anyone could send me it at then i would be eternally grateful (LOL toystory!). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

man, you play very well and i love this music. MEtal gear solid forever. Can you send me that score for piano? i would be so gratefull man.. pleaseee

Anonymous said...

Can you send me a copy please? My account Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow. That's wonderful! I've been looknig for this everywhere. I hate to be a bother like the rest of these comments, but i would appreiciate it greatly if you could send this to me as well. If you do, thank you VERY much. <3

Anonymous said...

Hey. I would greatly appreciate if you would please send me a copy of MGS2 sheet music you have. Thanks and I hope I'll be able to play it well.

tarek93 said...

Really Awesome , I wish I can do like u !!

hey I know u won't send them to me X_x but anyway this is my e-mail :

I wish strongly to recieve them , but if you don't want , that is YOUR sheets !

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

would it be possible, to send MGS2 sheet to me, i have looked for the sheet for many years now.
my mail address is
i would be very great full

Anonymous said...

sheet can be found here:

Anonymous said...

sorry, that's for "can't say goodbye to yesterday"

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

i did not read all the comments above, but i noticed you have received quite a big amount of request for the sheets :D

here is one more. I can not find the sheets anywhere else on the internet :(

i'd love to play this piece.

George said...


I'd really appreciate it if you cold send me the sheets as well please. i've looked everywhere for them and can't find them :( my email is

great playing btw your really good :)

many thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Man, I've been searching for these sheets for a LONG time! I don't know if you are giving the sheets out, but I've been wanting to learn this version for ages! If you are sending out, please send a copy to:
If you aren't sending out, I understand, and thanks anyway. Great playing! And thank you for listening to (and playing) great music!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you could possibly send me a copy of the piano sheet. I don't really have the money to buy it and my parents refuses to use paypal. So if you could be an angel and send it to me I would be very grateful.

My mail is:
Thanks anyway

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering whether the music sheets could be sent via email.

I would personally love to buy it, and have endeavoured greatly, but due to multiple errors in achieving a purchase, I cannont unfortunately buy it. If it is possible, I would be honoured if you were able to send them to me on ""

I will undertsand any circumstances or issues affiliated with my request. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

im just wondering can u send me a copy please if thats ok with u PLEASE :) you can send it to Thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

Wait...Isn't What Nightshader doing way worse! He's SELLING copyrighted intellectual property. You should just hand these Tabs out for free If he try's to sue you, give a call to Harry Gregson-Williams and mention how Nightshader has been ripping him off! I don't need the Sheet however, I learned it on guitar :D

Anonymous said...

Can you send me the sheets pls. or

Anonymous said...

can i please get the sheets as well? i'd love to be able to play such an epic sounding song. thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

Could you send the sheets to this e-mail please!? tyvm

LeoTheKaizoku said...

hey could u send that note to me too? :D email is :D

karen said...

i may not know how to play a piano... but i would really want to play it.. me and my brother love to play metal gear solid 1 to 4... and i surf the internet to find a piano sheets for mgs but i couldn't find any.. so could you please send it to my e-mail and if i receive it, i will play it right away. :) here's my email:

by the way... i'm karen