Gaming - It's not just a hobby. It's a lifestyle.
Concise bullet point style thoughts and reviews on video games and technology.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Logitech MX 620 Cordless Laser Mouse
- $30 from Sam's club.
- My old MX700 finally started dying on me at work. The back button would register a double click about half the time. It was driving me nuts so I went and replaced it with this mx 620.
- USB receiver is smaller now at about half the size of the mx 610.
- All 5 buttons are in their NORMAL expected locations. This is really critical to me. I just hate mice that move the buttons around or worse remove a few from the standard 5.
- I installed the latest setpoint 4.60 software. Tilt horizontal scrolling works fine.
- There is a switch on the bottom to switch the scroll wheel from clicky to smooth. I like the idea of smooth and the ability to quickly scroll through lots of text (especially important to coders) but the problem is it tends to drift. Even after you stop the wheel sometimes the text would jump up or down a few lines. Messing with the vertical scrolling speed/acceleration settings didn't help. It's really annoying so back to clicky style wheel for me.
- I found the search button mostly worthless so I remapped it to show desktop.
- Battery life is incredible if you believe the literature or setpoint: Up to a YEAR! Yeah, time will tell. Uses 2XAA.
Overall for $30 it's hard to beat especially if the battery life comes close to what is published. Not having to worry about recharging batteries especially at work is quite convenient. Highly recommended.
Greeting and Meeting